image/svg+xml DPIR Graduate students | Image © John Cairns ( DPIR Students Person type - Any -DPhil StudentJob Market CandidateMPhil StudentMSc StudentVisiting Student Course - Any -DPhil International RelationsMPhil Comparative GovernmentMPhil European Politics and SocietyMPhil International RelationsMPhil Political Theory Research affiliation - Any -Comparative Politics and GovernmentIRPolitical Theory Arwa Mokdad DPhil Student Carl Max Moog MPhil Student Kimberley Moran DPhil Student Christopher J. Morris DPhil Student Adaptive Biases in Substate Violence: Group Cohesion, Leadership Dynamics, and AI Strategic Interaction Pascal Mowla DPhil Student The Ethos of Equality of Opportunity Declan Murray MSc Student Isabelle Napier DPhil Student White Allyship in World Politics Konstantin Niewerth MPhil Student Virginia Consuelo Nizza DPhil Student The Technology Private Sector as a site of Great Power Competition between the United States and China Zed Nott MPhil Student Iuliana Nyerges MPhil Student Measuring Voter Demand for Democratic Reconstruction in States Undergoing Democratic Backsliding: Evidence from Hungary Ethan Nylen MPhil Student Dai Oba DPhil Student Defending Egalitarian Institutions in the Face of Neoliberal Folk Justice: A Case for Predistribution Angela Odermatt MPhil Student Social Identity Costs to Claiming Benefits and Their Effects on Take Up and Support Kento Ohara DPhil Student Jacob Keesing Ostfeld MPhil Student Juliet Paiva MPhil Student Miyo Peck-Suzuki DPhil Student Maria Pereira da Costa DPhil Student Decolonisation and Lusophone Africa's liberation movements within the United Nations Antonio Piraino MPhil Student Alejandro Posada Téllez DPhil Student War and Peace by Other Means: The Narrative Construction of Victimhood in Societies Transitioning from Conflict Luis Prenninger MPhil Student Hayley Pring DPhil Student Research Staff Postdoctoral Researcher Tom Pruchnow MPhil Student Maria Puolakkainen DPhil Student The political economy of industrial policy in middle-income democracies Francesco Raffaelli DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Tiril Høye Rahn DPhil Student Research Staff UNAI Research Assistant Gerda Raissar DPhil Student Why do EU member states cooperate in foreign policy? Explaining cooperation on sanctions Simple Rajrah DPhil Student Nayantara Ranganatha MPhil Student Sebastián Raphael Priego DPhil Student Paths to Peace or Peril? The Causes and Consequences of the Presidential Military Complex in Mexico Emma Rath MPhil Student Eden Raviv MPhil Student Alexandra Rice DPhil Student The Role of Religious Actors in Official Negotiations in Israel/Palestine Miranda Richman DPhil Student Diane Robert MPhil Student Edward Routh MPhil Student Natasja Rupesinghe DPhil Student Community Responses to Jihadist Mobilisation in Central Mali Linn Anita Rustad MPhil Student Pilar Sánchez Bellosta DPhil Student Ramneek Sanghera MPhil Student Massimiliano Santini DPhil Student Florian S. Schaffner DPhil Student Essays on the Psychology of Voters Lena Schorlemer DPhil Student Jakob Schram DPhil Student Peace research, territorial disputes, maritime boundary disputes, quantitative research Isabel Schulze Froning MPhil Student Edward Schwarck DPhil Student Lukas Seibert DPhil Student Samuel Seitz DPhil Student Purchasing Prestige or Seeking Security: How Status Concerns and External Threats Shape Military Force Design Vedat Semiz Visiting Student Vedat's Universite Libre De Bruxelles profile François Sennesael DPhil Student In the Shadow of Liberation: Equatorian Elites, Power, and Competing Nationalisms in South Sudan Ian Seow Cheng Wei MPhil Student Adam Sharon MPhil Student Christine Sheldon DPhil Student The life cycle of coalition governments Luca Siepmann MPhil Student Scott Singer DPhil Student Emerging Technology and Foreign Policy: A Public Opinion Perspective Madhav Singh MPhil Student Subnationalism as a Source of Democratic Resilience: Explaining the Puzzle of State-Level Democracy in India During National Backsliding Emma Smith MPhil Student Viktoria Maria Sochor MPhil Student Marie-Lou Sohnius DPhil Student Giuseppe Spatafora DPhil Student When proxy strategy fails: Why foreign sponsors directly engage in combat Christoph Sponsel DPhil Student DPhil Candidate in Politics Alexandra Stafford DPhil Student International Criminal Tribunals, international order, and organizational innovation Kenneth Thomas Stiller DPhil Student International Trade Samu/Elle Striewski MPhil Student Sophia Stutzmann Visiting Student Sophia's University of Konstanz profile Annie R Taber MPhil Student Martina Chiara Tallarita Visiting Student Ghent University profile Barbora Tallova MPhil Student Strategic Culture and Practice in Eastern Europe: The Cultural Roots of Security Policy on Ukraine in Poland and Slovakia Elisabeth Tamte MPhil Student Daniel Tate DPhil Student The Politics of International Energy Cooperation: Cross-Border Electricity Trade in Southern and Eastern Africa Faye Shen Li Thijssen MPhil Student Hugo Till DPhil Student Legitimacy Beyond the State Jonathan Topaz DPhil Student Colm Trant DPhil Student Iván Tubío Sanlés MPhil Student Isabella Turilli MPhil Student Carina Uchida DPhil Student Viktoriia Udaltsova MPhil Student Christian Uta MPhil Student Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Next page Next ›
Christopher J. Morris DPhil Student Adaptive Biases in Substate Violence: Group Cohesion, Leadership Dynamics, and AI Strategic Interaction
Virginia Consuelo Nizza DPhil Student The Technology Private Sector as a site of Great Power Competition between the United States and China
Iuliana Nyerges MPhil Student Measuring Voter Demand for Democratic Reconstruction in States Undergoing Democratic Backsliding: Evidence from Hungary
Dai Oba DPhil Student Defending Egalitarian Institutions in the Face of Neoliberal Folk Justice: A Case for Predistribution
Angela Odermatt MPhil Student Social Identity Costs to Claiming Benefits and Their Effects on Take Up and Support
Maria Pereira da Costa DPhil Student Decolonisation and Lusophone Africa's liberation movements within the United Nations
Alejandro Posada Téllez DPhil Student War and Peace by Other Means: The Narrative Construction of Victimhood in Societies Transitioning from Conflict
Maria Puolakkainen DPhil Student The political economy of industrial policy in middle-income democracies
Gerda Raissar DPhil Student Why do EU member states cooperate in foreign policy? Explaining cooperation on sanctions
Sebastián Raphael Priego DPhil Student Paths to Peace or Peril? The Causes and Consequences of the Presidential Military Complex in Mexico
Alexandra Rice DPhil Student The Role of Religious Actors in Official Negotiations in Israel/Palestine
Jakob Schram DPhil Student Peace research, territorial disputes, maritime boundary disputes, quantitative research
Samuel Seitz DPhil Student Purchasing Prestige or Seeking Security: How Status Concerns and External Threats Shape Military Force Design
François Sennesael DPhil Student In the Shadow of Liberation: Equatorian Elites, Power, and Competing Nationalisms in South Sudan
Madhav Singh MPhil Student Subnationalism as a Source of Democratic Resilience: Explaining the Puzzle of State-Level Democracy in India During National Backsliding
Giuseppe Spatafora DPhil Student When proxy strategy fails: Why foreign sponsors directly engage in combat
Alexandra Stafford DPhil Student International Criminal Tribunals, international order, and organizational innovation
Barbora Tallova MPhil Student Strategic Culture and Practice in Eastern Europe: The Cultural Roots of Security Policy on Ukraine in Poland and Slovakia
Daniel Tate DPhil Student The Politics of International Energy Cooperation: Cross-Border Electricity Trade in Southern and Eastern Africa