image/svg+xml DPIR Graduate students | Image © John Cairns ( DPIR Students Person type - Any -DPhil StudentJob Market CandidateMPhil StudentMSc StudentVisiting Student Course - Any -DPhil International RelationsMPhil Comparative GovernmentMPhil European Politics and SocietyMPhil International RelationsMPhil Political Theory Research affiliation - Any -Comparative Politics and GovernmentIRPolitical Theory Pablo Valdivieso-Kastner DPhil Student Cassandra van Douveren MPhil Student Ana Vilhelmina Verdnik DPhil Student Tomorrow’s a New Day: Explaining Ex-Combatant Trajectories from Remobilisation to Reintegration Michael Wakin DPhil Student Assessing the Role of Borrowing Countries' Domestic Politics in the Quest for IMF Bailouts Conor Walsh MPhil Student Albert Ward DPhil Student Job Market Candidate The Politics of Local Attachment Joseph Ward DPhil Student Rohan Watt DPhil Student Hannah Sophie Weber DPhil Student Public-Private Interaction in Cybersecurity Governance Brooke Weichel MPhil Student Gwendolyn Whidden DPhil Student The Inevitability, or a New Politics of Protection? Explaining UN Security Council Intervention in Mass Atrocity Crimes Daniel White DPhil Student The War for Animal Liberation! Responding to the Greatest (Non)Humanitarian Crisis in History Polina Whitehouse MPhil Student Athol Williams DPhil Student Corporations and Justice: A Theory of Corporate Justice Responsibility Jacob Williams DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Including the 'Incongruent'? The Role of Non-Liberal Comprehensive Doctrines in Political Liberalism Luke Williams MPhil Student Hallelujah Lulie Wondimu DPhil Student Ming Kit Wong DPhil Student Postwar Liberal Anti-Utopian Utopianism Joanna Wood DPhil Student A History of Women's International Thought in the US Academy, 1919-49 Ashley Wright DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Political Economy of US Foreign Aid Allocation Huanqiong Wu Visiting Student Huanqiong's LinkedIn profile Xiufan Wu DPhil Student Leonhard Xu MPhil Student Alexander Yen DPhil Student (MPhil) Vox Legati Vox Rei Publicae: Why do Chinese Representatives at the United Nations General Assembly Deploy Undiplomatic Language in Their Speeches, 1971-2020? Pablo Zambrano Ramirez DPhil Student Sovereignty, Territory, and Property in Outer Space Mingyi Zhang Visiting Student Mingyi's University of Zurich profile Xiaoyu Zhang MPhil Student Shuyang Zhou MPhil Student Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Current page 4
Ana Vilhelmina Verdnik DPhil Student Tomorrow’s a New Day: Explaining Ex-Combatant Trajectories from Remobilisation to Reintegration
Michael Wakin DPhil Student Assessing the Role of Borrowing Countries' Domestic Politics in the Quest for IMF Bailouts
Gwendolyn Whidden DPhil Student The Inevitability, or a New Politics of Protection? Explaining UN Security Council Intervention in Mass Atrocity Crimes
Daniel White DPhil Student The War for Animal Liberation! Responding to the Greatest (Non)Humanitarian Crisis in History
Jacob Williams DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Including the 'Incongruent'? The Role of Non-Liberal Comprehensive Doctrines in Political Liberalism
Alexander Yen DPhil Student (MPhil) Vox Legati Vox Rei Publicae: Why do Chinese Representatives at the United Nations General Assembly Deploy Undiplomatic Language in Their Speeches, 1971-2020?