image/svg+xml DPIR Graduate students | Image © John Cairns ( DPIR Students Person type - Any -DPhil StudentJob Market CandidateMPhil StudentMSc StudentVisiting Student Course - Any -DPhil International RelationsMPhil Comparative GovernmentMPhil European Politics and SocietyMPhil International RelationsMPhil Political Theory Research affiliation - Any -Comparative Politics and GovernmentIRPolitical Theory Simeon Goldstraw DPhil Student Establishing a Political Claim to Leisure Maria Golubev DPhil Student María-José Gómez Ruiz DPhil Student Bastián González-Bustamante DPhil Student Critical Events and Ministerial Turnover in Latin American Presidential Democracies Philippa Goodman MPhil Student Archishman Ray Goswami MPhil Student Jennifer Lily Green DPhil Student The ‘Invisible Hand’ of Authoritarian Environmental Leadership Larissa Greul MPhil Student Kofi Gunu DPhil Student Job Market Candidate IMF Program Participation and the Structural Power of Finance Edgar Gutiérrez Aiza DPhil Student Tierney Hall MPhil Student Faisal Hamid DPhil Student Political Economy of Islam in Nigeria Yang Han DPhil Student Job Market Candidate China's Discourse on Africa and its Outlook on International Hierarchies Lara Hankeln DPhil Student Suing Your Government for Climate Change Protection: The Effect of Climate Change Litigation on Public Opinion in Germany Benjamin Harack DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Amiad Haran Diman DPhil Student Signalling Slaughter: Violence and Displacement in the Palestinian Exodus Lily Harkes MPhil Student The Shifting Landscape of Extreme-Right Mobilization: Investigating QAnon and Movement Repertoire on Social Media Nick Harris MPhil Student Eli Harris-Trent MPhil Student Illustrating Peace, Imagining Reality, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying About Peace and Love Art Thomas Hazell DPhil Student Du He Visiting Student LinkedIn profile John Helferich DPhil Student Overcoming the Community Dilemma: Defence Integration in a Post-Heroic European Union Taylor Hendrickson DPhil Student Confronting 'War's Oldest and Least Condemned Crime': An Examination of the International Norm against Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Matthew Hepplewhite DPhil Student Theo Hickfang DPhil Student Graham Higgins DPhil Student Julia Youjia Hoffmann MPhil Student Ishrat Hossain DPhil Student The Rohingya Crisis and Ethnic Insecurities in the Bangladesh-Myanmar Borderland Jacob Hougie MPhil Student Jay Howard MPhil Student Annie Hsu DPhil Student Research Staff Research Assistant: Changing Global Orders Yuhan Hu DPhil Student Contentious Politics, Authoritarian Politics and Computational Social Science Stanislaus Huepfl MPhil Student Medbh Hughes DPhil Student What's wrong with work? The Frankfurt School on labour, leisure, and human happiness Ho Ting Hung MPhil Student Iman Iftikhar MPhil Student Leanne Iorio DPhil Student European Security and Collective Defense at the Dawn of the Post-Cold War Era: Key Allies and Strategic Planning for NATO, 1989-1991 Julian Jacobs DPhil Student Artificial intelligence; technological shocks; inequality; debt; populism; political polarisation Nicholas James DPhil Student Deliberation in the Russian State Duma: The Uses and Abuses of Legislative Speech in an Authoritarian Regime Astrid Jenkins DPhil Student Memory Disputes; Nationalism; International Cooperation; Energy Cooperation Aaron Xavier Jerome MPhil Student Shubhankar Kashyap DPhil Student Jasper Theodor Kauth DPhil Student Migration Control and State Power Mikheil Kechaqmadze DPhil Student Democratisation; Election observation; Democracy promotion; Regime learning; Russia; Post- Soviet region. Jonathan Tjaarda Kellogg MPhil Student Edmund Kelly DPhil Student Explaining political trust and its consequences for democracy. Nikita Khokhlov Visiting Student Nikita's personal profile Lisa Klaassen MPhil Student Maximilian Klinger DPhil Student Katharina Klotz MPhil Student Edward Knudsen DPhil Student Gravedigger of the Present: Historical Memory and the Making of the Modern International Economic Order Brian Kot MPhil Student Dual-Use Security Dilemma and the AI Technology Race Adrian Kreutz DPhil Student Political Realism, Critical Theory, Social Epistemology, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy Zoe Krüger MPhil Student Sophie Kubik MPhil Student Zarina Kulaeva Visiting Student Conrad Kunadu MPhil Student Zoe Lambert MPhil Student Daniel Lane Martin MPhil Student Arthur PB Laudrain DPhil Student State response to cyber-enabled electoral interference Miklós K. Lázár DPhil Student The Nord Streams from a Geopolitical Perspective: A Clash of Geostrategic and Geoeconomic Imperatives Tiphaine Le Corre DPhil Student Michael Levinson MPhil Student Kan Li DPhil Student How the Weak Deter the Strong: Agent-Based Modeling of Asymmetric Conflicts Chenchao Lian DPhil Student Theory of International Relations; Chinese Foreign Policy; Maritime Disputes Robert Lipinski DPhil Student Historical political economy, local governments, public administration Nicolas Lippolis DPhil Student The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in Angola and Ethiopia Ruijie Liu MPhil Student Josef Lolacher DPhil Student Do Members of Parliament Listen to Experts or Ordinary Citizens? The role of expert knowledge and public opinion in the decision-making of MPs Jeffrey Love MPhil Student Emma Madden DPhil Student Complex systems, political violence, organisational behavior, methods and models Luke Foster Martin MPhil Student Elena Sofia Massacesi MPhil Student Benjamin Matthews MPhil Student Lucy Maycox DPhil Student Implementing Global Gender Norms at the Global-Local Nexus: The Case of Kosovo Joana C McCloy DPhil Student Decoding Nonviolence: Exploring Dynamics and Trajectories of Civil Resistance Transformation Broderick McDonald DPhil Student Conflict, Political Violence, Extremism Edward McNally DPhil Student Claas Mertens DPhil Student Nachiket Midha MSc Student Yes Madam Prime Minister: Dynastic Legacies and Women’s Ascension to Power in Democracies Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page Next ›
Bastián González-Bustamante DPhil Student Critical Events and Ministerial Turnover in Latin American Presidential Democracies
Kofi Gunu DPhil Student Job Market Candidate IMF Program Participation and the Structural Power of Finance
Yang Han DPhil Student Job Market Candidate China's Discourse on Africa and its Outlook on International Hierarchies
Lara Hankeln DPhil Student Suing Your Government for Climate Change Protection: The Effect of Climate Change Litigation on Public Opinion in Germany
Amiad Haran Diman DPhil Student Signalling Slaughter: Violence and Displacement in the Palestinian Exodus
Lily Harkes MPhil Student The Shifting Landscape of Extreme-Right Mobilization: Investigating QAnon and Movement Repertoire on Social Media
Eli Harris-Trent MPhil Student Illustrating Peace, Imagining Reality, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying About Peace and Love Art
John Helferich DPhil Student Overcoming the Community Dilemma: Defence Integration in a Post-Heroic European Union
Taylor Hendrickson DPhil Student Confronting 'War's Oldest and Least Condemned Crime': An Examination of the International Norm against Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
Ishrat Hossain DPhil Student The Rohingya Crisis and Ethnic Insecurities in the Bangladesh-Myanmar Borderland
Medbh Hughes DPhil Student What's wrong with work? The Frankfurt School on labour, leisure, and human happiness
Leanne Iorio DPhil Student European Security and Collective Defense at the Dawn of the Post-Cold War Era: Key Allies and Strategic Planning for NATO, 1989-1991
Julian Jacobs DPhil Student Artificial intelligence; technological shocks; inequality; debt; populism; political polarisation
Nicholas James DPhil Student Deliberation in the Russian State Duma: The Uses and Abuses of Legislative Speech in an Authoritarian Regime
Astrid Jenkins DPhil Student Memory Disputes; Nationalism; International Cooperation; Energy Cooperation
Mikheil Kechaqmadze DPhil Student Democratisation; Election observation; Democracy promotion; Regime learning; Russia; Post- Soviet region.
Edward Knudsen DPhil Student Gravedigger of the Present: Historical Memory and the Making of the Modern International Economic Order
Adrian Kreutz DPhil Student Political Realism, Critical Theory, Social Epistemology, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy
Miklós K. Lázár DPhil Student The Nord Streams from a Geopolitical Perspective: A Clash of Geostrategic and Geoeconomic Imperatives
Chenchao Lian DPhil Student Theory of International Relations; Chinese Foreign Policy; Maritime Disputes
Josef Lolacher DPhil Student Do Members of Parliament Listen to Experts or Ordinary Citizens? The role of expert knowledge and public opinion in the decision-making of MPs
Emma Madden DPhil Student Complex systems, political violence, organisational behavior, methods and models
Lucy Maycox DPhil Student Implementing Global Gender Norms at the Global-Local Nexus: The Case of Kosovo
Joana C McCloy DPhil Student Decoding Nonviolence: Exploring Dynamics and Trajectories of Civil Resistance Transformation
Nachiket Midha MSc Student Yes Madam Prime Minister: Dynastic Legacies and Women’s Ascension to Power in Democracies