McLean, I., McMillan, A. and Monroe, B. (1996) “An Analysis of Carroll’s Argument”, in A Mathematical Approach to Proportional Representation: Duncan Black on Lewis Carroll. Springer Nature, pp. 91–150.
McLean, I. (1996) “Game theory for political scientists - Morrow,JD”, POLITICAL STUDIES, 44(5), pp. 958–959.
McLean, I. (1996) “Avoiding losses taking risks: Prospect theory and international conflict - Farnham,B”, POLITICAL STUDIES, 44(5), pp. 969–970.
McLean, I. (1996) “Game theory: A critical introduction - Heap,SH, Varoufakis,Y”, POLITICAL STUDIES, 44(5), pp. 958–959.
McLean, I., McMillan, A. and Monroe, B. (1996) “The Principles of Parliamentary Representation”, in A Mathematical Approach to Proportional Representation: Duncan Black on Lewis Carroll. Springer Nature, pp. 45–89.
McLean, I., McMillan, A. and Monroe, B. (1996) “Reprints of original material”, in A Mathematical Approach to Proportional Representation: Duncan Black on Lewis Carroll. Springer Nature, pp. 151–183.
McLean, I., McMillan, A. and Monroe, B. (1996) “The Life and Logic of Lewis Carroll”, in A Mathematical Approach to Proportional Representation: Duncan Black on Lewis Carroll. Springer Nature, pp. 1–44.


Wood, S. and McLean, I. (1995) “Recent Work in Game Theory and Coalition Theory1”, Political Studies, 43(4), pp. 703–717.
Power, T. and Roberts, J. (1995) “Compulsory Voting, Invalid Ballots, and Abstention in Brazil”, Political Research Quarterly, 48(4), pp. 795–826.
Garrett, G., McLean, I. and Machover, M. (1995) “Power, Power Indices and Blocking Power: A Comment on Johnston”, British Journal of Political Science, 25(4), pp. 563–568.
McLEAN, I. (1995) “ARE SCOTLAND AND WALES OVER‐REPRESENTED IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS?”, The Political Quarterly, 66(4), pp. 250–268.
McLean, I. (1995) “Independence of irrelevant alternatives before Arrow”, in Mathematical Social Sciences. Elsevier, pp. 107–126.
Garrett, G., McLean, I. and Machover, M. (1995) “Power, Power Indices and Blocking Power: A Comment on Johnston”, British Journal of Political Science, 25(4), pp. 563–568.
Frazer, E. (1995) “What’s New in the Philosophy of Social Science?”, Oxford Review of Education, 21(3), pp. 267–281.
Frazer, E. and Lacey, N. (1995) “Politics and the Public in Rawls’ Political Liberalism”, Political Studies, 43(2), pp. 233–247.
Dowding, K. et al. (1995) “Rational Choice and Community Power Structures1”, Political Studies, 43(2), pp. 265–277.
McLean, I., McMillan, A. and Monroe, B. (1995) “Duncan Black and Lewis Carroll”, in Journal of Theoretical Politics. SAGE Publications, pp. 107–123.
Verso, L. and McLean, I. (1995) “The Italian general election of 1994”, Electoral Studies, 14(1), pp. 81–86.
McLean, I. and Urken, A. (1995) Classics of Social Choice. University of Michigan Press.
Wood, S. and McLean, I. (1995) “Nuclear deterrence theory: The search for credibility - Powell,R”, POLITICAL STUDIES, 43(4), pp. 703–717.
Wood, S. and McLean, I. (1995) “Legislative Leviathan: Party government in the House - Cox,GW, McCubbins,MD”, POLITICAL STUDIES, 43(4), pp. 703–717.
Wood, S. and McLean, I. (1995) “Information and legislative organization - Krehbiel,K”, POLITICAL STUDIES, 43(4), pp. 703–717.
Wood, S. and McLean, I. (1995) “Rationality and the analysis of International conflict - Nicholson,M”, POLITICAL STUDIES, 43(4), pp. 703–717.
Wood, S. and McLean, I. (1995) “Pathologies of rational choice theory: A critique of applications in political science - Green,DP, Shapiro,I”, POLITICAL STUDIES, 43(4), pp. 703–717.
Wood, S. and McLean, I. (1995) “A political theory primer - Ordeshook,P”, POLITICAL STUDIES, 43(4), pp. 703–717.