
Yaacov Yadgar

PhD Political Studies Bar-Ilan University, 2000

Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies and DPIR
Fellow, St Anne’s
Government and Politics Network
Political Theory Network
St Anne's College

Office address
11 Bevington Rd, Oxford OX2 6LH.

Yaacov Yadgar’s research revolves around issues of political theology, nationalism, secularism, and tradition. His empirical work centres around Zionist ideology and Israeli theopolitics. His scholarship is multidisciplinary, encompassing, Jewish, political, cultural, religious, and media studies.

Professional Responsibilities

  • Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies
  • OSGA Director of Research
  • Director of OSGA's Middle East Studies unit.

Previous Posts

Before joining Oxford in 2017, Yaacov Yadgar taught at the Bar-Ilan University.


Professor Yadgar’s current research interests deal with what is commonly known as “religion and politics” in Israel. His work challenges a misconceived epistemological framework in which these topics are commonly discussed, and analyses the ways in which the theopolitics of the Israeli nation-state negotiates with Jewish traditions that preceded Political-Zionism and the state. He also studies the ways in which this issue shapes the broader politics of the Middle East.

Professor Yadgar’s two most recent books, Israel’s Jewish Identity Crisis: State and Politics in the Middle East (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and Sovereign Jews: Israel, Zionism, and Judaism (SUNY Press, 2017), revolve around a basic question of the Israel polity: What is the meaning of Jewish sovereignty in Israel? This fundamental question, which ultimately revolves around Zionism’s charged relation with its own Jewish roots and Israel’s subsequent unresolved claim to a non-religious Jewish identity stands at the core of Israeli socio-politics and shapes the politics of the Middle-East at large.

In Sovereign Jews, Yadgar argues that a central key to understanding the alleged convoluted relationship between “religion and politics” in Israel is the State of Israel’s interest in maintaining its sovereignty as the nation-state of Jews. This creates a need to mark a majority of its population as Jews and to distinguish them from non-Jews. This leads the sovereign, supposedly secular state, to apply a narrow and problematic interpretation of Jewish “religion” as a central political tool for maintaining a Jewish majority and its sovereignty. The book argues that the Israeli nation-state’s unresolved relationship with its own claim to a non-religious Jewish identity is a key to comprehending not only the intricacies of intra-Jewish socio-politics, but also Israel’s positions and actions in international affairs.

In Israel’s Jewish Identity Crisis, Yadgar studies the implication of Zionism’s and Israel’s charged attempts to understand their claim to Jewish identity. Yadgar argues that both Zionist ideology and Israel’s policies have largely failed to construct, as allegedly was their want, a viable national identity that is independent of what they themselves viewed as “Jewish religion.” Instead, the State’s definition of Jewish politics tends to revolve primarily around a “biological,” quasi-racial logic of majority and minority. This logic in effect conditions the viability of “Jewish politics” on the existence of a majority of Jews, whose (Jewish) identity is defined and understood primarily as a matter of their “natural” origin. The book offers a novel analysis of the interplay between Israeli nationalism and Jewish tradition, arriving at a fresh understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through its focus on internal questions about Israeli identity.

Professor Yadgar’s earlier books, Secularism and Religion in Jewish Israeli Politics: Traditionists and Modernity (Routledge, 2011; a revised and updated version of a Hebrew book titled Masortim in Israel: Modernity without Secularization (Hartman Institute and Bar-Ilan University Press, 2010)) and Beyond Secularism: Traditionism and the Critique of Israeli Secularism (Van-Leer, 2012), as well as various additional articles, revisit issues of secularisation, tradition, modernity, ethnicity, and nationalism in a Jewish-Israeli context. These studies do so through an investigation and reformulation of what he terms “a traditionist stance” (a neologism offered as a translation of the Hebrew masortiyut), that should be distinguished from both secularity and conservative orthodoxy. In the Israeli context, the traditionist stance nourishes on Mizrahi and Sephardic constructions of modernity that, critically, are not seen by its practicing agents as essentially conflicted with tradition. Yadgar argues that a traditionist stance offers an epistemology that transcends the binary and dichotomous conceptions put forward by the discourse of secularisation and modernisation. A traditionist epistemology provides a unique perspective on issues of religion, tradition, secularism and modernity in Israel and beyond.

Professor Yadgar’s previous research focused on issues of identity, nationalism, culture and media, viewed mostly from the Jewish-Israeli case study. His book, Our Story: National Narratives in the Hebrew Press (Haifa University Press, 2004, in Hebrew) offered an interpretive study of the development of Jewish Israeli national identity, as reflected in the Hebrew press’ narration and construction of political reality. His other publications offer analyses of Israeli identity and cultural structures, through the examinations of predominant symbols, major political issues, and critical events in Israeli history.


Main Themes in Israeli Society and Politics (PGT option)

DPhil Students

Jamie Stern Weiner (OSGA), Alicia Vergara Murillo (AMES), Eirik Kvindesland (History), Ali Al Youha (DPIR), Alyssa Symon (Sociology), Teal Mindgledorf (OSGA), Alban Dafa (OSGA)

Yaacov Yadgar



Journal Articles


Rabkin, Y. and Yadgar, Y. (2023) “On political tradition and ideology: Russian dimensions of practical Zionism and Israeli politics”, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity [Preprint].


Yadgar, Y. (2022) “Nostalgia and political analysis: a perspective from the Israeli case”, Politics [Preprint].
Yadgar, Y. (2022) “‘The great sin of today is the ’politicization’ of our Judaism, the great need, the ’Judaization’ of our politics’: Leon Roth and the possibilities of a Jewish critique of Zionist politics”, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 22(4), pp. 412–437.
Sadeghi-Boroujerdi, E. and Yadgar, Y. (2022) “Al-e Ahmad, guardianship, and the critique of colonial sovereignty”, Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 29(1), pp. 19–33.
Yadgar, Y. and Hadad, N. (2022) “Nation-statist soteriology and traditions of defeat: Religious-Zionism, the Ninth of Av, and Jerusalem Day”, Politics and Religion, 15(3), pp. 506–525.


Yadgar, Y. and Hadad, N. (2021) “A post-secular interpretation of religious nationalism: the case of Religious-Zionism”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 28(2), pp. 238–255.
Sadeghi-Boroujerdi, E. and Yadgar, Y. (2021) “Jalal’s Angels of Deliverance and Destruction: Genealogies of Theo-politics, Sovereignty and Coloniality in Iran and Israel — CORRIGENDUM”, Modern Intellectual History, 18(1), pp. 298–298.


Yadgar, . (2020) ““Jewish” politics or the politics of ‘Jews’?: On Israeli nation-statehood”, ReOrient, 6(1), pp. 20–46.


Sadeghi-Boroujerdi, E. and Yadgar, Y. (2019) “Jalal’s angels of deliverance and destruction: Genealogies of theo-politics, sovereignty and coloniality in Iran and Israel”, Modern Intellectual History, 18(1), pp. 223–247.
Halperin-Kaddari, R. and Yadgar, Y. (2019) “Nacionalismo, religião e (des)igualdade de sexo em Israel pelo prisma do direito da familia”, Mandrágora, 25(1), p. 227.


Yadgar, Y. (2018) “What is modern Israel?”, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 17(2), pp. 256–257.
Yadgar, Y. (2018) “Wrapped in the flag of Israel: Mizrahi single mothers and bureaucratic torture”, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 17(1), pp. 135–136.


Velan, B. and Yadgar, Y. (2017) “On the implications of desexualizing vaccines against sexually transmitted diseases: Health policy challenges in a multicultural society”, Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 6(30), pp. 1–12.


Yadgar, Y. (2015) “Traditionism”, Cogent Social Sciences, 1(1), pp. 1–17.


Yadgar, Y. (2013) “Tradition”, Human Studies, 36(4), pp. 451–470.


Halperin-Kaddari, R., Yadgar, Y. and Heinen, J. (2012) “Nationalisme, religion et (in)égalité de sexe en Israël au prisme du droit de la famille”, Cahiers du Genre, HS n° 3(3), pp. 119–137.
Peri, Y. et al. (2012) “The ’Religionization’ of Israeli Society”, Israeli Studies Review, 27(1), pp. 1–30.


Yadgar, Y. (2011) “Jewish Secularism and Ethno-National Identity in Israel: The Traditionist Critique”, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 26(3), pp. 467–481.
Yadgar, Y. (2011) “A Post-Secular Look at Tradition: Toward a Definition of ‘Traditionism’”, Télos, 2011(156), pp. 77–98.


Halperin-Kaddari, R. and Yadgar, Y. (2010) “Between universal feminism and particular nationalism: politics, religion and gender (in)equality in Israel”., Third world quarterly, 31(6), pp. 905–920.


YADGAR, Y. (2006) “Gender, Religion, and Feminism: The Case of Jewish Israeli Traditionalists”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45(3), pp. 353–370.
Yadgar, Y. (2006) “A Myth of Peace: ‘The Vision of the New Middle East’ and Its Transformations in the Israeli Political and Public Spheres”, Journal of Peace Research, 43(3), pp. 297–312.


YADGAR, Y. (2003) “From `True Peace’ to `the Vision of the New Middle East’: Rival Images of Peace in Israel”, Journal of Peace Research, 40(2), pp. 177–193.
Yadgar, Y. (2003) “Between ‘the Arab’ and ‘the Religious Rightist’: ‘significant others’ in the construction of Jewish-Israeli national identity”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 9(1), pp. 52–74.
Yadgar, Y. (2003) “From ’True Peace’ to ’the Vision of the New Middle East’: Rival Images of Peace in Israel”, Journal of Peace Research, 40(2), pp. 177–193.
Yadgar, Y. (2003) “SHAS as a Struggle to create a New Field: A Bourdieuan Perspective of an Israeli Phenomenon”, Sociology of Religion, 64(2), pp. 223–246.
Yadgar, Y. (2003) “A Disintegrating Ritual: The Reading of the Deri Verdict as a Media Event of Degradation”, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 20(2), pp. 204–223.
Yadgar, Y. (2003) “A disintegrating ritual: The reading of the Deri verdict as a media event of degradation”, CRITICAL STUDIES IN MEDIA COMMUNICATION, 20(2), pp. 204–223.


Yadgar, Y. (2002) “The Media and the Israeli Public Sphere: Reflections in the Wake of the Rabin Assassination”, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 1(2), pp. 150–166.
Yadgar, Y. (2002) “From the particularistic to the universalistic: national narratives in Israel’s mainstream press, 1967–97”, Nations and Nationalism, 8(1), pp. 55–72.



Yadgar, Y. (2024) To Be a Jewish State Zionism as the New Judaism. NYU Press.


Yadgar, Y. (2020) Israel’s Jewish Identity Crisis. Cambridge University Press (CUP).


Yadgar, Y. (2017) Sovereign Jews Israel, Zionism, and Judaism. SUNY Press.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) Sovereign Jews. JSTOR.


YADGAR, Y., Katz, G. and Ratzabi, S. (2014) Beyond Halacha: Remapping Tradition, Secularity and New-Age Culture in Israel. Ben-Gurion University Press.


Yadgar, Y. (2010) Secularism and Religion in Jewish-Israeli Politics, Traditionists and Modernity. Taylor & Francis.



Yadgar, Y. (2024) “About the Author”, in To Be a Jewish State. NYU Press, pp. 215–218.
Yadgar, Y. (2024) “1 The Jewish State versus the Jews’ State”, in To Be a Jewish State. NYU Press, pp. 7–39.
Yadgar, Y. (2024) “4 Redemption Politics”, in To Be a Jewish State. NYU Press, pp. 101–127.
Yadgar, Y. (2024) “3 Israeli Nostalgia”, in To Be a Jewish State. NYU Press, pp. 76–100.
Yadgar, Y. (2024) “Conclusion: Reclaiming ‘Tribalism’”, in To Be a Jewish State. NYU Press, pp. 153–164.
Yadgar, Y. (2024) “5 A Jewish Reaction to Zionist Supersessionism”, in To Be a Jewish State. NYU Press, pp. 128–152.
Yadgar, Y. (2024) “Bibliography”, in To Be a Jewish State. NYU Press, pp. 187–204.
Yadgar, Y. (2024) “Introduction: Studying Israel to Interrogate Nation-Statism”, in To Be a Jewish State. NYU Press, pp. 1–6.
Yadgar, Y. (2024) “2 Zionism as Supersessionism”, in To Be a Jewish State. NYU Press, pp. 40–75.


Yadgar, Y. (2022) “CHAPTER 6 Jewish Identity, Gender, and Religion Masorti Women and the Feminist Challenge to Traditional Jewish Identity”, in Dynamic Belonging. De Gruyter, pp. 112–135.


Yadgar, Y. (2021) “On the Uses and Abuses of Tradition”, in When Politics are Sacralized. Cambridge University Press (CUP), pp. 88–112.
YADGAR, Y. (2021) “On the Uses and Abuses of Tradition Zionist Theopolitics and Jewish Tradition”, in N. Rouhana and N. Shalhoub-Kevorkian (eds.) When Politics are Sacralized: Comparative Perspectives on Religious Claims and Nationalism. Cambridge University Press, pp. 88–112.


Yadgar, Y. (2020) “Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People?”, in ISRAEL’S JEWISH IDENTITY CRISIS: STATE AND POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp. 78–111.
Yadgar, Y. (2020) “Israel’s Jewish Identity Crisis State and Politics in the Middle East <i>Preface</i&gt”;, in ISRAEL’S JEWISH IDENTITY CRISIS: STATE AND POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, p. XI - +.
Yadgar, Y. (2020) “The Politics of Religious Conversion and the Limits of Zionist Nationhood”, in ISRAEL’S JEWISH IDENTITY CRISIS: STATE AND POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp. 33–77.
Yadgar, Y. (2020) “Non-Jewish Israeli Nationalism and the Limits of Israeliness”, in ISRAEL’S JEWISH IDENTITY CRISIS: STATE AND POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp. 151–171.
Yadgar, Y. (2020) “Israel, Judaism, and Critique Conclusion”, in ISRAEL’S JEWISH IDENTITY CRISIS: STATE AND POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp. 172–195.
Yadgar, Y. (2020) “Israel’s Jewish Identity Crisis Introduction”, in ISRAEL’S JEWISH IDENTITY CRISIS: STATE AND POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp. 1–32.
Yadgar, Y. (2020) “Two Contemporary Debates on Zionism and Secularism”, in ISRAEL’S JEWISH IDENTITY CRISIS: STATE AND POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp. 112–150.




Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Are Jewish Traditions a Religion?”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 29–44.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Tradition as Language and Narrative”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 45–63.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Who Needs the Status Quo?”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 211–227.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Israeliness vs. Jewishness”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 163–186.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Main Zionist Streams and Jewish Traditions”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 119–160.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Zionism, Jewish ‘Religion,’ and Secularism”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 67–83.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Statist Jews”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 187–210.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Introduction”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 1–13.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Zionism and Jewish Traditions”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 85–117.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Bibliography”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 259–272.
Yadgar, Y. (2017) “Religion—The History and Politics of an Ahistorical Concept”, in Sovereign Jews. De Gruyter, pp. 17–27.


Yadgar, Y. (2011) “Jewish identity, gender, and religion: Masorti women and the feminist challenge to traditional Jewish identity”, in Dynamic Belonging: Contemporary Jewish Collective Identities, pp. 112–135.


Liebman, C. and Yadgar, Y. (2004) “Israeli Identity: The Jewish component”, in Israeli Identity in Transition, pp. 163–183.



Taylor, C. and YADGAR, Y. (2014) “צ׳רלס טיילור - פרשנות ומדעי האדם (תרגום והקדמה מאת המתרגם)”. רסלינג.