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Schaffner DPhil Student Essays on the Psychology of Voters Petra Schleiter Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Professor of Comparative Politics Lena Schorlemer DPhil Student Jakob Schram DPhil Student Peace research, territorial disputes, maritime boundary disputes, quantitative research Livia Schubiger Academic Staff Professor of Political Science and International Relations Isabel Schulze Froning MPhil Student Regine Schwab Visiting Academic Regine's Peace Research Institute Frankfurt profile Edward Schwarck DPhil Student Lukas Seibert DPhil Student Samuel Seitz DPhil Student Purchasing Prestige or Seeking Security: How Status Concerns and External Threats Shape Military Force Design Vedat Semiz Visiting Student Vedat's Universite Libre De Bruxelles profile François Sennesael DPhil Student In the Shadow of Liberation: Equatorian Elites, Power, and Competing Nationalisms in South Sudan Ian Seow Cheng Wei MPhil Student Adam Sharon MPhil Student Christine Sheldon DPhil Student The life cycle of coalition governments Avi Shlaim Emeritus Emeritus Professor of International Relations Henry Shue Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Politics and International Relations, College profile Luca Siepmann MPhil Student Felix Simon Research Staff Postdoctoral Research Fellow in AI and News RISJ profile Scott Singer DPhil Student Emerging Technology and Foreign Policy: A Public Opinion Perspective Madhav Singh MPhil Student Subnationalism as a Source of Democratic Resilience: Explaining the Puzzle of State-Level Democracy in India During National Backsliding Jeremy Siow Research Staff Postdoctoral Research Fellow Laura Sjoberg Academic Staff Professor of International Relations Svitlana Slava Visiting Academic Jesus College profile Adam Smith Academic Staff Edward Orsborn Professor of US Politics & Political History Emma Smith MPhil Student Sophie Smith Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor of Political Theory Ricardo Soares de Oliveira Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Professor of the International Politics of Africa Viktoria Maria Sochor MPhil Student Marie-Lou Sohnius DPhil Student Miriam Sorace Visiting Academic Visiting Research Fellow Miriam's personal website Tim Soutphommasane Research Staff Professor of Practice in Human Rights and Political Theory Giuseppe Spatafora DPhil Student When proxy strategy fails: Why foreign sponsors directly engage in combat Christoph Sponsel DPhil Student DPhil Candidate in Politics Amia Srinivasan Academic Staff Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory Alexandra Stafford DPhil Student International Criminal Tribunals, international order, and organizational innovation Zofia Stemplowska Academic Staff Professor of Political Theory Kenneth Thomas Stiller DPhil Student International Trade Hew Strachan Associate Member Chichele Professor of the History of War Samu/Elle Striewski MPhil Student Sophia Stutzmann Visiting Student Sophia's University of Konstanz profile Eduardo Suárez Professional Services Staff Head of Communications RISJ profile Kate Sullivan de Estrada Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor in the International Relations of South Asia Agnieszka Swiejkowska Professional Services Staff Research Facilitation Manager Annie R Taber MPhil Student Martina Chiara Tallarita Visiting Student Ghent University profile Barbora Tallova MPhil Student Strategic Culture and Practice in Eastern Europe: The Cultural Roots of Security Policy on Ukraine in Poland and Slovakia Elisabeth Tamte MPhil Student Joelle Tasker Research Staff Graduate Research Assistant Daniel Tate DPhil Student The Politics of International Energy Cooperation: Cross-Border Electricity Trade in Southern and Eastern Africa Miles Tendi Academic Staff Associate Professor of the Politics of Africa Nerea Terceiro Sanmartín Visiting Academic Nerea's Come to Wallonia profile Katerina Tertytchnaya Academic Staff Associate Professor in Comparative Politics Faye Shen Li Thijssen MPhil Student Patricia M Thornton Academic Staff Associate Professor of Chinese Politics Hugo Till DPhil Student Legitimacy Beyond the State James Tilley Academic Staff Professor of Politics Dawn Tohill Professional Services Staff Research Facilitation Officer Jonathan Topaz DPhil Student Robyn Trafford Professional Services Staff Executive Assistant to Heads of Department and Head of Administration & Finance Colm Trant DPhil Student Iván Tubío Sanlés MPhil Student Maya Tudor Associate Member Associate Professor in Government and Public Policy Isabella Turilli MPhil Student Carina Uchida DPhil Student Viktoriia Udaltsova MPhil Student Christian Uta MPhil Student Alina Utrata Associate Member Career Development Research Fellow Alina's St John's College profile Pablo Valdivieso-Kastner DPhil Student Cassandra van Douveren MPhil Student Ana Vilhelmina Verdnik DPhil Student Tomorrow’s a New Day: Explaining Ex-Combatant Trajectories from Remobilisation to Reintegration Michael Wakin DPhil Student Assessing the Role of Borrowing Countries' Domestic Politics in the Quest for IMF Bailouts Matthew Waldman Associate Member Associate Practitioner European Institute of Peace profile Conor Walsh MPhil Student Wei Wang Research Staff Postdoctoral Research Fellow Albert Ward DPhil Student Job Market Candidate The Politics of Local Attachment Joseph Ward DPhil Student Rohan Watt DPhil Student Susan Way Professional Services Staff Deputy Finance Manager Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Current page 6 Page 7 Next page Next ›
Jakob Schram DPhil Student Peace research, territorial disputes, maritime boundary disputes, quantitative research
Samuel Seitz DPhil Student Purchasing Prestige or Seeking Security: How Status Concerns and External Threats Shape Military Force Design
François Sennesael DPhil Student In the Shadow of Liberation: Equatorian Elites, Power, and Competing Nationalisms in South Sudan
Madhav Singh MPhil Student Subnationalism as a Source of Democratic Resilience: Explaining the Puzzle of State-Level Democracy in India During National Backsliding
Ricardo Soares de Oliveira Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Professor of the International Politics of Africa
Giuseppe Spatafora DPhil Student When proxy strategy fails: Why foreign sponsors directly engage in combat
Alexandra Stafford DPhil Student International Criminal Tribunals, international order, and organizational innovation
Kate Sullivan de Estrada Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor in the International Relations of South Asia
Barbora Tallova MPhil Student Strategic Culture and Practice in Eastern Europe: The Cultural Roots of Security Policy on Ukraine in Poland and Slovakia
Daniel Tate DPhil Student The Politics of International Energy Cooperation: Cross-Border Electricity Trade in Southern and Eastern Africa
Robyn Trafford Professional Services Staff Executive Assistant to Heads of Department and Head of Administration & Finance
Ana Vilhelmina Verdnik DPhil Student Tomorrow’s a New Day: Explaining Ex-Combatant Trajectories from Remobilisation to Reintegration
Michael Wakin DPhil Student Assessing the Role of Borrowing Countries' Domestic Politics in the Quest for IMF Bailouts