image/svg+xml A student at Manor Road Building | Image © John Cairns ( People Person type - Any -Academic office holderAcademic Office HoldersAcademic StaffAssociate MemberCollege StaffDPhil StudentEmeritusJob Market CandidateMPhil StudentMSc StudentProfessional Services StaffResearch StaffVisiting AcademicVisiting StudentVisitors Research Prog/Net/Ctr - Any -Operations & Office Management TeamOxford Conflict, Peace & Security HubFinance TeamRISJResearch FacilitationPolitical Thought Network Political Theory Network International Relations NetworkInternational RelationsHR TeamGovernment and Politics NetworkELACAlumni Relations TeamCyber Studies Programme CSSJCourses TeamConstitutional Studies ProgrammeCommunications TeamCISCentre for Technology and Global AffairsCCWSpring School Research affiliation - Any -Comparative Politics and GovernmentIRPolitical TheoryResearch Methods Research keyword - Any -AnarchismAuthorityCitizenshipCivil wars Classical theories of IRCommunities and FamiliesCommunityCommunity and IdentityConflict managementConservatismConstitutionConstitutions and GovernmentConstitutions and InstitutionsCoronavirusCyber securityDemocracy and DemocratisationDemocracy and electionsDemocratic theoryDemocratisationDiplomacyEducationElectionsElectoral systemsEmotionsEnvironment and Climate ChangeEqualityEthics of warEthics of warethnic violenceEU enlargementEuropean enlargementEuropean UnionFamilyFeminismForeign policyForeign Policy and diplomacyFraternityFreedom and ChoiceGenderGlobal constitutionalismGlobal governanceGlobal historyGlobal nuclear orderGovernmentGrand strategyGroups and social movementsHistoryHuman natureHuman rightsHumanitarian natureIdentitiesIdentityIdeologies and political thoughtIdeologyInclusionIndustrial RelationsInstitutions and organisationsInternational cooperationInternational ethicsInternational ethics and global justiceInternational lawInternational normative theoryInternational orderInternational organisationsInternational political economyInternational relationsInternational relations theoryInternational securityJust war theoryJusticeLaws of warLegislaturesLiberalismLibertyMediaMethodsMethods and ConceptsMethods and Normative TheoryMigrationMilitary ethicsMonarchyMovements, parties and groupsNationalismNationalist movementsNationalityNeedsNormative theoryParliamentsPartiesPatriarchyPeacekeeping and PeacebuildingPolitical EconomyPolitical PartiesPolitical TheoryPolityPost-conflict reconstructionPowerPublic PolicyPublic SphereRefugeesRefugees and migrationReligionRepresentationRepublicanismResponsibility to protectRevolutionRightsRights and justiceSocial contractSocial movementsSocialismSovereigntyStatebuildingStatesStrategic studiesSustainabilityTreaty makingUkraine-Russia conflictUkraine-Russia conflict DO NOT USEUNAI Climate SecurityUNAI Conflict Prevention and PeacebuildingUNAI Digital Tech & DataUNAI Geopolitical ContextsUNAI Improving UN Responses to Violence by Non-State ActorsUNAI New Forms of ConflictUNAI Regional Dynamics & Regional ResponsesUNAI The Future of PeacekeepingUnited NationsViolenceViolence security and conflict Research Teresa M. Bejan Academic Staff Professor of Political Theory Paul Billingham Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor of Political Theory Daniel Butt Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor of Political Theory Sophie Cardin DPhil Student Dispatches from Diaspora: Recovering the History of Yiddish Political Thought Rebecca Clark DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Working From Home: A Philosophical Exploration Aylon Cohen Academic Staff Departmental Lecturer in Feminist Political Theory Ingrid Cui MPhil Student Giuseppe A Cumella Academic Staff Departmental Lecturer in Political Theory Suhasini Das Gooptu MPhil Student Gideon Elford Academic Staff Departmental Lecturer in Contemporary Political Theory Elizabeth Frazer Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Politics Jasper Friedrich DPhil Student Job Market Candidate The Miserable is Political: A Critical Theory of Anger and Depression Kendall Gardner DPhil Student Johann Go DPhil Student The Demands of Justice in Global Health Sudhir Hazareesingh Academic Staff CUF Lecturer in Politics and Tutorial Fellow in Politics Theo Hickfang DPhil Student Jacob Hougie MPhil Student Jay Howard MPhil Student Stanislaus Huepfl MPhil Student Medbh Hughes DPhil Student What's wrong with work? The Frankfurt School on labour, leisure, and human happiness Iman Iftikhar MPhil Student Maximilian Klinger DPhil Student Adrian Kreutz DPhil Student Political Realism, Critical Theory, Social Epistemology, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy Sophie Kubik MPhil Student Elsa Kugelberg Research Staff College Staff Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College. College profile Cécile Laborde Academic Staff Professor of Political Theory David Leopold Academic Staff Associate Professor of Political Theory Luke Foster Martin MPhil Student Daniel McDermott Academic Staff Associate Professor of Political Theory Lois McNay Academic Staff Professor of Theory of Politics David Miller Academic Staff Professor of Political Theory, Senior Research Fellow, Nuffield College College profile Jeanne Morefield Academic Staff Associate Professor of Political Theory Pascal Mowla DPhil Student The Ethos of Equality of Opportunity Karma Nabulsi Emeritus Emeritus Fellow in Politics and International Relations Zed Nott MPhil Student Ethan Nylen MPhil Student Jacob Keesing Ostfeld MPhil Student Nicholas Owen Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor of Politics Patricia Owens Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Professor of International Relations Juliet Paiva MPhil Student Zeynep Pamuk Academic Staff Associate Professor in Contemporary Political Theory Luis Prenninger MPhil Student Ramneek Sanghera MPhil Student Adam Smith Academic Staff Edward Orsborn Professor of US Politics & Political History Sophie Smith Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor of Political Theory Amia Srinivasan Academic Staff Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory Zofia Stemplowska Academic Staff Professor of Political Theory Samu/Elle Striewski MPhil Student Hugo Till DPhil Student Legitimacy Beyond the State Conor Walsh MPhil Student Joseph Ward DPhil Student Stuart White Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Associate Professor of Politics Polina Whitehouse MPhil Student Athol Williams DPhil Student Corporations and Justice: A Theory of Corporate Justice Responsibility Luke Williams MPhil Student Ming Kit Wong DPhil Student Postwar Liberal Anti-Utopian Utopianism Yaacov Yadgar Academic Staff Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies Musab Younis Academic Staff Associate Professor in Political Theory Pablo Zambrano Ramirez DPhil Student Sovereignty, Territory, and Property in Outer Space
Sophie Cardin DPhil Student Dispatches from Diaspora: Recovering the History of Yiddish Political Thought
Jasper Friedrich DPhil Student Job Market Candidate The Miserable is Political: A Critical Theory of Anger and Depression
Medbh Hughes DPhil Student What's wrong with work? The Frankfurt School on labour, leisure, and human happiness
Adrian Kreutz DPhil Student Political Realism, Critical Theory, Social Epistemology, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy
Elsa Kugelberg Research Staff College Staff Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College. College profile
David Miller Academic Staff Professor of Political Theory, Senior Research Fellow, Nuffield College College profile