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Lázár DPhil Student The Nord Streams from a Geopolitical Perspective: A Clash of Geostrategic and Geoeconomic Imperatives Tiphaine Le Corre DPhil Student Kan Li DPhil Student How the Weak Deter the Strong: Agent-Based Modeling of Asymmetric Conflicts Chenchao Lian DPhil Student Theory of International Relations; Chinese Foreign Policy; Maritime Disputes Robert Lipinski DPhil Student Historical political economy, local governments, public administration Nicolas Lippolis DPhil Student The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in Angola and Ethiopia Josef Lolacher DPhil Student Do Members of Parliament Listen to Experts or Ordinary Citizens? The role of expert knowledge and public opinion in the decision-making of MPs Emma Madden DPhil Student Complex systems, political violence, organisational behavior, methods and models Lucy Maycox DPhil Student Implementing Global Gender Norms at the Global-Local Nexus: The Case of Kosovo Joana C McCloy DPhil Student Decoding Nonviolence: Exploring Dynamics and Trajectories of Civil Resistance Transformation Broderick McDonald DPhil Student Conflict, Political Violence, Extremism Edward McNally DPhil Student Claas Mertens DPhil Student Arwa Mokdad DPhil Student Kimberley Moran DPhil Student Christopher J. Morris DPhil Student Adaptive Biases in Substate Violence: Group Cohesion, Leadership Dynamics, and AI Strategic Interaction Pascal Mowla DPhil Student The Ethos of Equality of Opportunity Isabelle Napier DPhil Student White Allyship in World Politics Virginia Consuelo Nizza DPhil Student The Technology Private Sector as a site of Great Power Competition between the United States and China Dai Oba DPhil Student Defending Egalitarian Institutions in the Face of Neoliberal Folk Justice: A Case for Predistribution Kento Ohara DPhil Student Miyo Peck-Suzuki DPhil Student Maria Pereira da Costa DPhil Student Decolonisation and Lusophone Africa's liberation movements within the United Nations Alejandro Posada Téllez DPhil Student War and Peace by Other Means: The Narrative Construction of Victimhood in Societies Transitioning from Conflict Hayley Pring DPhil Student Research Staff Postdoctoral Researcher Maria Puolakkainen DPhil Student The political economy of industrial policy in middle-income democracies Francesco Raffaelli DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Tiril Høye Rahn DPhil Student Research Staff UNAI Research Assistant Gerda Raissar DPhil Student Why do EU member states cooperate in foreign policy? Explaining cooperation on sanctions Simple Rajrah DPhil Student Sebastián Raphael Priego DPhil Student Paths to Peace or Peril? The Causes and Consequences of the Presidential Military Complex in Mexico Alexandra Rice DPhil Student The Role of Religious Actors in Official Negotiations in Israel/Palestine Miranda Richman DPhil Student Natasja Rupesinghe DPhil Student Community Responses to Jihadist Mobilisation in Central Mali Pilar Sánchez Bellosta DPhil Student Massimiliano Santini DPhil Student Florian S. Schaffner DPhil Student Essays on the Psychology of Voters Lena Schorlemer DPhil Student Jakob Schram DPhil Student Peace research, territorial disputes, maritime boundary disputes, quantitative research Edward Schwarck DPhil Student Lukas Seibert DPhil Student Samuel Seitz DPhil Student Purchasing Prestige or Seeking Security: How Status Concerns and External Threats Shape Military Force Design François Sennesael DPhil Student In the Shadow of Liberation: Equatorian Elites, Power, and Competing Nationalisms in South Sudan Christine Sheldon DPhil Student The life cycle of coalition governments Scott Singer DPhil Student Emerging Technology and Foreign Policy: A Public Opinion Perspective Marie-Lou Sohnius DPhil Student Giuseppe Spatafora DPhil Student When proxy strategy fails: Why foreign sponsors directly engage in combat Christoph Sponsel DPhil Student DPhil Candidate in Politics Alexandra Stafford DPhil Student International Criminal Tribunals, international order, and organizational innovation Kenneth Thomas Stiller DPhil Student International Trade Daniel Tate DPhil Student The Politics of International Energy Cooperation: Cross-Border Electricity Trade in Southern and Eastern Africa Hugo Till DPhil Student Legitimacy Beyond the State Jonathan Topaz DPhil Student Colm Trant DPhil Student Carina Uchida DPhil Student Pablo Valdivieso-Kastner DPhil Student Ana Vilhelmina Verdnik DPhil Student Tomorrow’s a New Day: Explaining Ex-Combatant Trajectories from Remobilisation to Reintegration Michael Wakin DPhil Student Assessing the Role of Borrowing Countries' Domestic Politics in the Quest for IMF Bailouts Albert Ward DPhil Student Job Market Candidate The Politics of Local Attachment Joseph Ward DPhil Student Rohan Watt DPhil Student Hannah Sophie Weber DPhil Student Public-Private Interaction in Cybersecurity Governance Gwendolyn Whidden DPhil Student The Inevitability, or a New Politics of Protection? Explaining UN Security Council Intervention in Mass Atrocity Crimes Daniel White DPhil Student The War for Animal Liberation! Responding to the Greatest (Non)Humanitarian Crisis in History Athol Williams DPhil Student Corporations and Justice: A Theory of Corporate Justice Responsibility Jacob Williams DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Including the 'Incongruent'? The Role of Non-Liberal Comprehensive Doctrines in Political Liberalism Hallelujah Lulie Wondimu DPhil Student Ming Kit Wong DPhil Student Postwar Liberal Anti-Utopian Utopianism Joanna Wood DPhil Student A History of Women's International Thought in the US Academy, 1919-49 Ashley Wright DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Political Economy of US Foreign Aid Allocation Xiufan Wu DPhil Student Alexander Yen DPhil Student (MPhil) Vox Legati Vox Rei Publicae: Why do Chinese Representatives at the United Nations General Assembly Deploy Undiplomatic Language in Their Speeches, 1971-2020? Pablo Zambrano Ramirez DPhil Student Sovereignty, Territory, and Property in Outer Space Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2
Edward Knudsen DPhil Student Gravedigger of the Present: Historical Memory and the Making of the Modern International Economic Order
Adrian Kreutz DPhil Student Political Realism, Critical Theory, Social Epistemology, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy
Miklós K. Lázár DPhil Student The Nord Streams from a Geopolitical Perspective: A Clash of Geostrategic and Geoeconomic Imperatives
Chenchao Lian DPhil Student Theory of International Relations; Chinese Foreign Policy; Maritime Disputes
Josef Lolacher DPhil Student Do Members of Parliament Listen to Experts or Ordinary Citizens? The role of expert knowledge and public opinion in the decision-making of MPs
Emma Madden DPhil Student Complex systems, political violence, organisational behavior, methods and models
Lucy Maycox DPhil Student Implementing Global Gender Norms at the Global-Local Nexus: The Case of Kosovo
Joana C McCloy DPhil Student Decoding Nonviolence: Exploring Dynamics and Trajectories of Civil Resistance Transformation
Christopher J. Morris DPhil Student Adaptive Biases in Substate Violence: Group Cohesion, Leadership Dynamics, and AI Strategic Interaction
Virginia Consuelo Nizza DPhil Student The Technology Private Sector as a site of Great Power Competition between the United States and China
Dai Oba DPhil Student Defending Egalitarian Institutions in the Face of Neoliberal Folk Justice: A Case for Predistribution
Maria Pereira da Costa DPhil Student Decolonisation and Lusophone Africa's liberation movements within the United Nations
Alejandro Posada Téllez DPhil Student War and Peace by Other Means: The Narrative Construction of Victimhood in Societies Transitioning from Conflict
Maria Puolakkainen DPhil Student The political economy of industrial policy in middle-income democracies
Gerda Raissar DPhil Student Why do EU member states cooperate in foreign policy? Explaining cooperation on sanctions
Sebastián Raphael Priego DPhil Student Paths to Peace or Peril? The Causes and Consequences of the Presidential Military Complex in Mexico
Alexandra Rice DPhil Student The Role of Religious Actors in Official Negotiations in Israel/Palestine
Jakob Schram DPhil Student Peace research, territorial disputes, maritime boundary disputes, quantitative research
Samuel Seitz DPhil Student Purchasing Prestige or Seeking Security: How Status Concerns and External Threats Shape Military Force Design
François Sennesael DPhil Student In the Shadow of Liberation: Equatorian Elites, Power, and Competing Nationalisms in South Sudan
Giuseppe Spatafora DPhil Student When proxy strategy fails: Why foreign sponsors directly engage in combat
Alexandra Stafford DPhil Student International Criminal Tribunals, international order, and organizational innovation
Daniel Tate DPhil Student The Politics of International Energy Cooperation: Cross-Border Electricity Trade in Southern and Eastern Africa
Ana Vilhelmina Verdnik DPhil Student Tomorrow’s a New Day: Explaining Ex-Combatant Trajectories from Remobilisation to Reintegration
Michael Wakin DPhil Student Assessing the Role of Borrowing Countries' Domestic Politics in the Quest for IMF Bailouts
Gwendolyn Whidden DPhil Student The Inevitability, or a New Politics of Protection? Explaining UN Security Council Intervention in Mass Atrocity Crimes
Daniel White DPhil Student The War for Animal Liberation! Responding to the Greatest (Non)Humanitarian Crisis in History
Jacob Williams DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Including the 'Incongruent'? The Role of Non-Liberal Comprehensive Doctrines in Political Liberalism
Alexander Yen DPhil Student (MPhil) Vox Legati Vox Rei Publicae: Why do Chinese Representatives at the United Nations General Assembly Deploy Undiplomatic Language in Their Speeches, 1971-2020?