Oxford Conflict, Peace & Security Hub
Contemporary policymaking relies increasingly on the ability of government officials to source vital information and reliable evidence as they address current security threats such as civil wars, terrorism, cyber-attacks.
The Oxford Conflict, Peace and Security Hub is led by Professor of Political Science and International Relations Andrea Ruggeri. Its mission is to serve as a platform for the international community of researchers and practitioners, enabling them to connect, learn from each other, and to collaborate in preventing or mitigating conflict, and shaping a more secure future.
UNAI Principle Hub for Peace and Conflict Resolution
The Hub is proud to partner with the United Nations as a member of its Academic Impact initiative, and the current convenor of the UNAI Principle Hub for Peace and Conflict Resolution, outputs of which include a series of podcasts and a library of policy digests for peace and security practitioners at the UN and beyond.
Oxford UNAI Conflict, Peace and Security Hub Event - Prospects for UN Reform: what’s possible?
Oxford UNAI Conflict, Peace and Security Hub Event - Prospects for UN Reform: what’s possible?