
Sample Academic Name

CBE, BA UCL, MPhil DPhil Oxon, FBA

Sample Academic Job DPIR Title
Sample Oxford College Job Title, Jesus College
Sample non-Oxford Job Title (for Visitors and Associates)
Political Theory Network
Jesus College

Ada Smith is Professor of Politics at DPIR and Senior Tutor of Politics at Jesus College, University of Oxford. She received her PhD from the University of Oxford, where she explored... and went on to research positions at Harvard University and Sciences Po, before re-joining the Department in Oxford in 2000... Professor Smith has written numerous books... She regularly writes for newspapers including... etc.

Her research interests focus on... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec quam congue eros commodo ultricies ac et tellus. Aenean scelerisque justo non nisl mattis, at suscipit elit volutpat. Phasellus consectetur tellus vel facilisis rhoncus. Nulla ornare felis ut magna fringilla vestibulum. Aliquam a tortor id sem posuere dictum. Nullam egestas, elit ac volutpat pulvinar, libero lectus iaculis turpis, sed hendrerit dui sem ut lectus. Aenean luctus, nibh at rutrum dapibus, nulla diam viverra turpis, id faucibus quam metus vitae lorem. [150 words]

Teaching (Heading 2)

I contribute to Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching and supervision.

On the BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics and BA History and Politics degrees, I teach:

  • Marx and the West
  • Introduction to British Politics

On the MPhil Political Theory degree, I teach:

  • Marx and the West
  • Introduction to British Politics

Research (Heading 2)

Ada’s research focuses on four main areas:

  • British political history since 1900
  • colonial systems of government, the decolonisation of the European colonial empires after 1945, and the theory and practice of anti-imperialism
  • colonial violence and tolerance by metropolitan audiences in liberal empires
  • problems of participations in social movements.

Selected Professional Activities (Heading 2)

Current posts (heading 3)

Ada is presently an editor of the Journal of British Politics. To submit writing please email...

Previous posts (heading 3) 

In addition to teaching responsibilities, Ada was also the Director for Graduate Studies for Politics at the Department (2004 - 2014).
