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Ebenezer Azamati DPhil Student Realpolitik internationalism: Illiberal states' conceptions of liberal means to ending wars Su Bai MPhil Student Jonas Balkus MPhil Student Alex Baxter MPhil Student Haydn Belfield DPhil Student Bombs, Bugs, Bytes and Bots: What Determines the Relative Success or Failure of Arms Control Regimes? Samuel Bither MPhil Student Robert Bognar DPhil Student Evolutionary Theory and Warfare Malin Bornemann MPhil Student Inken von Borzyskowski Academic Staff Professor in International Relations Luke Botting DPhil Student Being and Anarchy: Individual Freedom in International Order Aryemis Brown DPhil Student Duties and Debris: An Analysis of the International Norm Against Conventional Space Weapons Florian Brunner DPhil Student Emre Caliskan DPhil Student Research Fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government Richard Caplan Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Professor of International Relations Julia Carver DPhil Student Virtually inconceivable: Geopolitics, capacity, and sovereignty claims in the digital domain Tiffany Chan MPhil Student Maxim Chupilkin DPhil Student Wartime Trade at its Most Granular: Leveraging Customs Statistics Corentin Cohen Associate Member Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow Michaela Coplen DPhil Student Negotiation Theory; International Relations Cecilia Corsini DPhil Student Morgan DaCosta DPhil Student Police Power, Plantation Principles: Reiterating Slave Society Order in Jamaica and Trinidad, Salma Daoudi DPhil Student Severin Dauer MPhil Student Isobel Dernlan MPhil Student A.J Dilts MPhil Student Andrew Dougall Academic Staff Departmental Lecturer in International Relations Jan Eijking Research Staff Research Associate: Changing Global Orders Ninar Fawal MPhil Student Louise Fawcett Academic Staff Academic Office Holders Professor of International Relations Frederik Florenz DPhil Student Threat or Distraction? The strategic role of crime control in U.S. military interventions in the 21st century Gabriel Fung MPhil Student Federica Genovese Academic Staff Professor of Political Science and International Relations Farsan Ghassim College Staff Junior Research Fellow in Politics, The Queen’s College Maria Golubev DPhil Student Archishman Ray Goswami MPhil Student Larissa Greul MPhil Student Kofi Gunu DPhil Student Job Market Candidate IMF Program Participation and the Structural Power of Finance Tierney Hall MPhil Student Todd H. Hall Academic Staff Professor of International Relations Yang Han DPhil Student Job Market Candidate China's Discourse on Africa and its Outlook on International Hierarchies Yuna Han Academic Staff Departmental Lecturer in International Relations Benjamin Harack DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Eli Harris-Trent MPhil Student Illustrating Peace, Imagining Reality, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying About Peace and Love Art John Helferich DPhil Student Overcoming the Community Dilemma: Defence Integration in a Post-Heroic European Union Taylor Hendrickson DPhil Student Confronting 'War's Oldest and Least Condemned Crime': An Examination of the International Norm against Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Julia Youjia Hoffmann MPhil Student Ishrat Hossain DPhil Student The Rohingya Crisis and Ethnic Insecurities in the Bangladesh-Myanmar Borderland Annie Hsu DPhil Student Research Staff Research Assistant: Changing Global Orders Ho Ting Hung MPhil Student Hussam Hussein Research Staff Departmental Lecturer and Research Fellow in International Relations Annette Idler Associate Member Senior Research Fellow at DPIR and Pembroke College Director, Global Security Programme, Pembroke College College profile Leanne Iorio DPhil Student European Security and Collective Defense at the Dawn of the Post-Cold War Era: Key Allies and Strategic Planning for NATO, 1989-1991 Astrid Jenkins DPhil Student Memory Disputes; Nationalism; International Cooperation; Energy Cooperation Aaron Xavier Jerome MPhil Student Dominic Johnson Academic Staff Alastair Buchan Chair of International Relations Shubhankar Kashyap DPhil Student Edward Keene Academic Staff Associate Professor of International Relations Lucas Kello Academic Staff Associate Professor and Departmental Lecturer, DPIR Lisa Klaassen MPhil Student Katharina Klotz MPhil Student Edward Knudsen DPhil Student Gravedigger of the Present: Historical Memory and the Making of the Modern International Economic Order Brian Kot MPhil Student Dual-Use Security Dilemma and the AI Technology Race Conrad Kunadu MPhil Student Ranjit Lall Academic Staff Associate Professor in International Relations Zoe Lambert MPhil Student Arthur PB Laudrain DPhil Student State response to cyber-enabled electoral interference Miklós K. Lázár DPhil Student The Nord Streams from a Geopolitical Perspective: A Clash of Geostrategic and Geoeconomic Imperatives Matteo Legrenzi Associate Member Departmental Associate Member Michael Levinson MPhil Student Kan Li DPhil Student How the Weak Deter the Strong: Agent-Based Modeling of Asymmetric Conflicts Chenchao Lian DPhil Student Theory of International Relations; Chinese Foreign Policy; Maritime Disputes Ceren Lord Research Staff British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow Jeffrey Love MPhil Student Neil MacFarlane Emeritus Fellow, St Anne's College Lucy Maycox DPhil Student Implementing Global Gender Norms at the Global-Local Nexus: The Case of Kosovo Claas Mertens DPhil Student Karolina Milewicz Academic Staff Professor of International Relations Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next ›
Kye Allen DPhil Student Job Market Candidate Mythologising the Ultra-Nation, Theorising the International: Fascist International Thought and the Study of International Relations in Britain, 1922-1945
Ebenezer Azamati DPhil Student Realpolitik internationalism: Illiberal states' conceptions of liberal means to ending wars
Haydn Belfield DPhil Student Bombs, Bugs, Bytes and Bots: What Determines the Relative Success or Failure of Arms Control Regimes?
Aryemis Brown DPhil Student Duties and Debris: An Analysis of the International Norm Against Conventional Space Weapons
Julia Carver DPhil Student Virtually inconceivable: Geopolitics, capacity, and sovereignty claims in the digital domain
Morgan DaCosta DPhil Student Police Power, Plantation Principles: Reiterating Slave Society Order in Jamaica and Trinidad,
Frederik Florenz DPhil Student Threat or Distraction? The strategic role of crime control in U.S. military interventions in the 21st century
Kofi Gunu DPhil Student Job Market Candidate IMF Program Participation and the Structural Power of Finance
Yang Han DPhil Student Job Market Candidate China's Discourse on Africa and its Outlook on International Hierarchies
Eli Harris-Trent MPhil Student Illustrating Peace, Imagining Reality, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying About Peace and Love Art
John Helferich DPhil Student Overcoming the Community Dilemma: Defence Integration in a Post-Heroic European Union
Taylor Hendrickson DPhil Student Confronting 'War's Oldest and Least Condemned Crime': An Examination of the International Norm against Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
Ishrat Hossain DPhil Student The Rohingya Crisis and Ethnic Insecurities in the Bangladesh-Myanmar Borderland
Annette Idler Associate Member Senior Research Fellow at DPIR and Pembroke College Director, Global Security Programme, Pembroke College College profile
Leanne Iorio DPhil Student European Security and Collective Defense at the Dawn of the Post-Cold War Era: Key Allies and Strategic Planning for NATO, 1989-1991
Astrid Jenkins DPhil Student Memory Disputes; Nationalism; International Cooperation; Energy Cooperation
Edward Knudsen DPhil Student Gravedigger of the Present: Historical Memory and the Making of the Modern International Economic Order
Miklós K. Lázár DPhil Student The Nord Streams from a Geopolitical Perspective: A Clash of Geostrategic and Geoeconomic Imperatives
Chenchao Lian DPhil Student Theory of International Relations; Chinese Foreign Policy; Maritime Disputes
Lucy Maycox DPhil Student Implementing Global Gender Norms at the Global-Local Nexus: The Case of Kosovo