Oxford Network of Peace Studies (OxPeace)
Coordinator: Dr Liz Carmichael, St John's College
The Oxford Network of Peace Studies (OxPeace) is a multi-disciplinary initiative to promote the academic study of peace, peacemaking, peacebuilding and peacekeeping at the University of Oxford. It organizes conferences, seminars and training workshops, and publicises information on other related events. OxPeace looks toward the establishment of posts in Peace Studies, and particularly a Chair, at Oxford. The OxPeace Steering Committee comprises scholars, students, and practitioners from a variety of disciplines.
OxPeace defines peace positively, as: ‘human security and human flourishing, in a sustainable environment, with the constructive management of conflict.’ The concept of ‘peacebuilding’ has come to be central to peace studies. Successful outcomes in peacebuilding depend on inclusive perspectives drawn from many disciplines, including politics and international relations, development, climate and environmental studies, education, history, anthropology, economics, law, ethics, theology and religious studies, gender studies, media, war and conflict studies, and the, growing specialism of peace studies itself. OxPeace events demonstrate how a focus on peace adds a fresh dimension to established disciplines and engenders a distinctive multidisciplinary synergy. OxPeace aims to promote links between academic researchers and policy makers; between international and grassroots practitioners; and between the global North and South.
OxPeace has held an annual multidisciplinary day-conference each May since 2009. Hear the podcasts from these, and explore future events (posted on OxTalks and linked here) via the links at the bottom of this page.
To contact OxPeace, or join its mailing lists, please email Dr Liz Carmichael.
OxPeace Steering Committee
Co-convenors: Revd Dr Liz Carmichael MBE (Theology) and Dr Harry Bregazzi (Blavatnik School of Government).
Prof. John Gledhill (Global Governance, International Development, St Cross College); Prof. the Lord Alderdice (CCWC & CRIC); Dr Isabella Bunn (Law and Human Rights, Regent’s Park); Shelley McKeown-Jones (Psychology, LMH), Prof. Andy Gosler (Ethno-ornithology, Mansfield), Prof. Federica d’ Alessandra (Director, Oxford Programme of International Peace and Security, Blavatnik School of Government), Matt Waldman (European Institute of Peace; DPIR Research Associate), Dr Richard Barltrop (researcher & consultant mediator), Tim Midgley (peacebuilding consultant), Devika Manish Kumar (MSt candidate, Global Governance & Diplomacy, St Antony’s), Mattea de Munnich (MSt candidate, Study of Religion, LMH), Alejandro Posada Tellez (DPhil candidate, DPIR, St Antony’s), Eduardo Gutierrez Gonzalez (D.Phil. candidate, JRF, Las Casas Inst., Blackfriars).Maria Power (Las Casas Inst., Blackfriars), Dr Tim Epple (PeaceRep, Edinburgh Law School) Prof. Sarah von Billerbeck (International Relations, Reading University), Ufra Mir (Bradford Univ.), Dr Jeremy Cunningham; Tony Ives, Rosie Houldsworth.
Prof. Richard Caplan (DPIR, International Relations, Linacre); Professor Mary King (RAI & UN University for Peace); Dr Phil Clark (International Politics, Transitional Justice, Peacebuilding, SOAS); Dr Rama Mani (Home for Humanity), Professor Henry Shue (Professor Emeritus, DPIR; Human Rights); Dr Hugo Slim (Las Casas Institute, Blackfriars); Rt Revd and Rt Hon. the Lord Williams of Oystermouth (Chair, Academi Heddwch Cymri, Welsh Peace Institute); Dr John Chesworth (Muslim-Christian Studies); Prof. Jake Lynch (Dept of Peace & Conflict Studies, University of Sydney).
OxPeace is glad to acknowledge the ongoing support of the Oxford Peace Research Trust (OPRT) a registered charity founded in 2003 to promote the study of peace in Oxford.
President Jimmy Carter and President José Ramos-Horta (Nobel Peace Laureates), Rt Hon. Lord Patten of Barnes.
For an introduction to our work, with some of our Committee members and Conference speakers, please watch our YouTube video, 'OxPeace: Promoting the Study of Peace at Oxford University' (links below):
- Long version (7 minutes)
- Short version (2 minutes)