Walter Mattli Awarded a two-year British Academy Research Leave
Walter Mattli (Professor of International Political Economy and Official Fellow of St. John`s College) Awarded a two-year British Academy Research Leave Fellowship for his project Disaggregating the Globalized Regulatory State: The Cases of Global Regulation in Food and Transport (sea, air, and road).` His fellowship will begin in October 2006.
The overarching goal of Walter`s project is to better understand the nature of the emerging global economic governance through careful analyses of the regulatory trends and institutional changes in key areas. In other words, the project seeks to better understand the nature of what has been called the globalized regulatory state by disaggregating this state into key constitutive parts and reflecting on differences across these parts in regulatory structure, process, and outcome. The focus of the analysis will be on two central areas of global economic governance: regulation of food and transport (sea, air, and road). The fellowship will begin in October 2006.
Walter has published articles on European legal integration, comparative regional integration, international commercial dispute resolution, and globalization and international governance. He is also currently working on a book project entitled The Political Economy of International Standards Setting.`