Ulrike Franke has an article published in the ZfAS (Zeitschrift für Außen und Sicherheitspolitik, or Journal for Foreign and Security Policy), entitled Welche Drohne passt zu mir? Deutschlands schwierige Entscheidung für ein bewaffnetes „Unmanned Aerial Vehicle“. (English title Which Drone Suits Me Best? Germany’s Difficult Decision to Procure an Armed 'Unmanned Aerial Vehicle').
"The German government plans to procure armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, so-called 'drones'). It is not the only government to consider this step. Three states (Israel, the UK, and the US) already use armed UAVs. Approximately 70 states hold unarmed drones and many of them are discussing the procurement of armed UAVs. While the debate in Germany is still ongoing and the final ruling has been postponed to be taken after the next parliamentary election, the issue of armed drones has probably already been decided. Germany will—in the long term—procure armed UAVs, most likely from Israel."