Two former graduate students of the Department, Dr Michael Fullilove (MPhil and DPhil IR) and Elisabeth Iversflaten (MPhil and DPhil Politics) have been awarded the Thesis Prize of the British International History Group(2005) and the David Butler Prize for best paper at the 2004 Elections Public Opinion and Parties conference in Oxford respectively.
Dr Michael Fullilove has been awarded the Thesis Prize of the British International History Group (under the auspices of the British International Studies Association) for his International Relations doctoral thesis on `Special Faith and Confidence: Franklin D. Roosevelt`s Personal Envoys and the War in Europe, 1939-1941.`
Michael Fullilove, a Rhodes scholar, first came from Australia to Oxford in 1997-9 as an MPhil in International Relations student. He returned in 2002-4 to do the DPhil. He is currently Program Director (Global Issues) at the Lowy Institute in Sydney, Australia. His first book Men and Women of Australia! Our Greatest Modern Speeches, was published by Vintage in November 2005.
The BIHG thesis prize has been awarded on eight occasions. International Relations students from Oxford have provided three winners and one joint winner.
Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, a former European Politics MPhil student now submitting for her DPhil, has recently published two papers: ?The Vulnerable Populist Right Parties: No Economic Realignment fueling their electoral process? in the European Journal of Political Research ( Vol 44, pp465-492) and ?Threatened by Diversity: Why Restrictive Asylum and Immigration Policies appeal to Western Europeans in the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp21-45). The latter paper was awarded the David Butler Prize for best paper at the 2004 Elections Public Opinion and Parties conference in Oxford.
Elisabeth started a three-year post-doctoral Research Fellowship at Nuffield College in September.