Success for the Department in bids to the University Research Development Fund
Dr Andy Hurrell (University Lecturer in International Relations, Nuffield College) and Dr Adam Swift (CUF Lecturer in Political Theory, Balliol College) have both been successful with bids to the Universitys Research Development Fund this term. The Department has been awarded 25,536 to develop a programme of work on global political justice (to be located in the Centre for International Studies) and 36,310 to support the development of the Centre for the Study of Social Justice (CSSJ).
Centre for International Studies
The award will enable the Centre for International Studies to bring together theorists and researchers from both normative and empirical perspectives to address questions of global political justice: What norms and principles should govern public decision-making in international life? And how can these norms and principles be rendered effective in the increasingly complex institutional arrangements of global governance? The programme will examine the current state of, and future prospects for, democratic development and innovation in global politics and will also explore conceptions of global political justice held outside the world of liberal democracies. Oxford has a long tradition of outstanding research into questions of international order and global governance and has also been developing its position as one of the worlds leading centres for the study of global justice. This award will enable the Centre to bring together leading researchers in both of these fields; to shape the landscape of an exciting new field of research, and to draw up an innovative programme of future work for which external funding will be sought. It will also foster links with other major research programmes associated with CIS, especially the Global Economic Governance programme, and with the Centre for the Study of Social Justice.
Centre for the Study of Social Justice
Following on a successful bid to RDF in May to support the first phase in the development of the Centre for the Study of Social Justice, this new award of 36,310 will be used to develop a firm basis upon which the Centre can build up a funding and reputational profile that enhances the outstanding research already undertaken by its members. The award will allow the Centre to organise a number of activities including two workshops on the application of ideal theories of social justice to non-ideal circumstances and the place of the family in liberal egalitarian political theory, a working papers series, and a number of conferences. The money will also be used to employ a Research Fellow to engage in advanced research on issues relating to one or both of the topics mentioned above.
The Universitys Research Development Fund has a Small Grant Scheme for research collaboration and new initiatives and a Mainstream Research Development Scheme that is used for a number of purposes including seed-corn funding, underwriting, interdivisional projects, etc. The deadlines for applications to the mainstream Research Development Scheme are Wednesdays of the fourth week of each term; there are no deadlines for applications to the small grants scheme. If you are interested in applying to one of the RDF schemes, please contact the Department`s Research Support Officers as early as possible and at least two months in advance.