Applied Panel Data Analysis, Josef Brüderl (University of Mannheim) and Crash Course in Stata, Steve Fisher (University of Oxford), in association with the Equalsoc Network of Excellence.
The Crash Course in Stata will take place first on Tuesday afternoon (14 July) from 2:00pm-5:30pm.
The Applied Panel Data Analysis Course will begin on Wednesday morning (15 July) from 9:00am - 5:30pm and on Thursday (16 July) from 9:30am-5:30pm.
Further details of each course can be found on our website.
You are invited to apply for either course or both according to your interests. Please indicate on the registration form which course(s) you would like to attend. To register for these courses, please go to the registration page. The deadline for registration is noon Monday 18 May 2009.