Registration is now open for the conference `The Many Colours of Hegelianism`
Registration is now open for a two-day conference `The Many Colours of Hegelianism: Hegel’s Philosophy and its Reception in an International Context` which will take place at New College, Oxford on 4- 5 June (week six of Trinity term).
Supported by the Department of Politics and International Relations, the Faculty of Philosophy, New College, and Trinity College, the conference will bring together scholars who work on Hegel’s thought and its reception in different cultural contexts.
Keynote speakers: Professor Robert Stern (Sheffield), Professor Ludwig Siep (Münster)
Convenors: Robert Harris, New College; Lisa Herzog, New College, Sebastian Stein, St. Hugh’s College
Advance registration is required and a registration fee of £20 for two days (student rate £10 for two days) will be payable. Registration will close at noon on Saturday 1 May.