PSA Dissertation Awards for DPIR Graduate Students
Congratulations to Daniel Fedorowycz and Barry Maydom who have been awarded prestigious Political Science Association prizes for their dissertations.
Daniel Fedorowycz received the Elizabeth Wiskemann Dissertation Prize for Inequality and Social Justice for his thesis 'Divide and Rule: Managing Minorities in Interwar Poland'. The judges said his research offered "a novel take on the question of state-ethnic minority group relations, moving away from the focus of state repression to ask instead why states allow minority organisations to operate" and that it "makes a significant theoretical and empirical contribution to the field."
Barry Maydom was awarded the Lord Bryce Prize for Best Dissertation for Comparative Politics for his thesis 'Migrant Remittances and Democracy'. The judges' feedback said that hiis work "provides an outstanding example of mixed methods research, demonstrating not just best practice in quantitative methods, but also the meticulous analysis of 63 original interviews.”