We'd like to offer our best wishes to these past OxPo visitors, and their continuing success. Please do update us with what you're doing now if you are a previous OxPo visitor. Thank you.
2015-2016 Francesca Artioli Lecturer in politics (Paris Est University, Créteil)
2014-2015 Marie Bergström Research Fellow at Institut National des Etudes Démographiques, Paris
2013-2014 Florent Gougou Lecturer in politics (Grenoble University)
2012-2013 Florence Joshua Lecturer in politics (Paris X University, Nanterre)
2011-2012 Sébastien Pradella Research Fellow (Université catholique de Louvain)
2010-2011 Aurélie Daher Deakin fellow (St Anthony’s College)
2009-2010 Hélène Thiollet CNRS Research Fellow (Sciences Po)