Giovanni Capoccia Awarded a BA Senior Research Fellowship
Dr Giovanni Capoccia has been awarded a British Academy Senior Research Fellowship for his project Militant Democrats: Political Repression in Contemporary Western Europe. Giovannis project has two parts: first, to analyze data on repressive rules and practices in sixteen Western European democracies since 1920; and secondly, examine case studies of recent events in Germany (the trial against the extreme right-wing NPD), Spain (the ban of the Basque autonomist party) and France (the recent successes of the Front National and their consequences), focusing on the analysis of the causal mechanisms that drive the choices of specific strategies of reaction to extremism by political decision-makers. The fellowship will begin in October 2006.
Giovanni has also been awarded 425 from the Oxford University Astor Fund for travel in the USA to give talks at Georgetown and Brown University.
Dr Giovanni Capoccia is a Lecturer in Politics and Tutorial Fellow in Politics at Corpus Christi College. He recently published a book, Defending Democracy: Responses to Extremism in Inter-war Europe, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.