ESRC National Centre for Research Methods invites research methods training bursary applications
The ESRC National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) is inviting applications for research methods training bursaries.
The call is open from Tuesday 5 January until Friday 22 January 2010. The bursaries are available for UK social science community engaged in research, teaching research methods or supervising research to update their skills. Contract researchers working in HEIs are also eligible for the bursaries. This scheme cannot be used to fund masters or doctoral studies.
For further information about the bursaries and to apply, please go to . Deadline for training bursary applications is 5pm Friday 22 January 2010.
There is no prescribed list of accepted training courses. However, applicants may like to use the Training & Events database to help in locating a course.
From April 2010 the bursary scheme will be open for applications throughout the year i.e. there will not be deadlines for applications.