Dr Stuart White draws contemporary lessons from the New Labour era
In an article posted on The New Statesmans politics blog The Staggers (7 May), Stuart White and co-author Martin ONeill argue that The New Labour that Wasnt holds important lessons for todays Labour party leaders.
New Labour is emphatically over and done, the authors note. But as New Labour recedes into the past, it is possible to speak of a road not taken the New Labour That Wasnt? And what relevance does it have for Labour today?
Stuart and Martin ultimately conclude that the key lesson for todays Labour leaders is the need to see economic reform and political reform as closely entwined; to build support for wide-ranging economic reform, Labour will need to also build a broad political coalition to support such change.
The piece, which is based on a longer article in the Fabian Review, can be read here. It was also featured on Politics in Spires, the Oxford-Cambridge Politics and International Relations blog.