Dr Sara Binzer Hobolt awarded British Academy Small Research Grant
Dr Sara Binzer Hobolt (Post-Doctoral Fellow in Quantitative Methods) has been awarded a one-year British Academy Small Research Grant for her project Campaign Dynamics in the Referendums on the European Constitution`. The grant will begin on 1st July 2006.
The aim of the research project is to examine mass-elite dynamics in the referendum campaigns on the European Constitution. With this application, the goal is to construct a database of time series data on elite campaign messages and public opinion during the four campaigns leading up to the referendums on the Constitutional Treaty in Spain, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in 2005. The project intends to answer the following questions: to what extent and in what way do the messages provided by political elites during a campaign shape the opinion and vote choice of citizens; and how do elites respond to development in public opinion?
Sara is Post-Doctoral Fellow in Quantitative Methods and a Research Fellow at Nuffield College. Some of her recent publications are Direct Democracy and European Integration`. Journal of European Public Policy (2006), 13(1): 153-67; How Parties Affect Vote Choice in European Integration Referendums`, Party Politics (2006), 12(5): 623-47; and When Europe Matters: The Impact of Political Information on Voting Behaviour in EU Referendums`. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (2005), 15(1):85-110.