Dr Jochen Prantl Awarded an ESRC First Grants Scheme
Dr Jochen Prantl has been awarded 147,180 under the new ESRC First Grants Scheme for his project, Whither Multilateralism? International Security Institutions and Informal Groups of States`. The project will begin on 1st January 2007.
The primary aim of the project is to open up and develop a new research agenda that undertakes a cross-institutional and cross-regional comparison of the dynamic relationship between informal groups of states and international security institutions in the management of risk and conflict. It seeks to highlight implications for our understanding of power, legitimacy, and change within theories of governance. The programme, which will be associated with the Centre for International Studies, will develop and test the proposition that the effectiveness of multilateral institutions in addressing security threats and challenges can be enhanced by informal groups of states.
Dr Jochen Prantl is a Research Fellow in International Relations and Research Fellow of Nuffield College. Some recent publications are, The UN Security Council and Informal Groups of States: Complementing or Competing for Governance? (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), Informal Groups of States and the UN Security Council,` International Organization 59:3 (2005), The Consolidation of Peace in Africa, co-authored with Jane Boulden, S Neil MacFarlane and David Williams, (Oxford: Centre for International Studies, 2005) and Informal Groups of Member States,` in The United Nations: Confronting the Challenges of a Global Society, Jean E Krasno, ed. (Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner, 2004).