Dr Giovanni Capoccia Awarded Grant from the Nuffield Foundation
Dr Giovanni Capoccia (CUF Lecturer in Politics and Tutorial Fellow in Politics, Corpus Christi College)was awarded a grant for 6,921 from the Nuffield Foundation for his project, Measuring Political Repression in Advanced Democracies: A Study of Western Europe.` The fellowship will begin in April 2006.
Dr Giovanni Capoccia has been awarded a grant for 6,921 from the Nuffield Foundation for his project, Measuring Political Repression in Advanced Democracies: A Study of Western Europe.` The purpose of Giovanni`s project is to construct quantitative empirical measures of political repression (defined as the limitation of basic freedoms on political grounds) in advanced democracies that can provide the basis for cross-country and longitudinal analysis. The project will begin in April of 2006.
Dr Giovanni Capoccia is a Lecturer in Politics and Tutorial Fellow in Politics at Corpus Christi College. Giovanni was recently awarded a British Academy Senior Research Fellowship for his project Militant Democrats: Political Repression in Contemporary Western Europe.` He has recently published a book, Defending Democracy: Responses to Extremism in Inter-war Europe, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.