Dr Giovanni Capoccia awarded funding by the University`s Research Development Fund
Dr Giovanni Capoccia has been awarded 6,291 by the University`s Research Development Fund (RDF) to be used towards his project entitled Measuring Political Repression in Advanced Democracies: a Study of Western Europe. The award underwrites Giovanni`s current application to the Nuffield Foundation for funds to cover the cost of research assistance before his British Academy Senior Research Fellowship begins in October on the topic of Militant Democrats: Political Repression in Contemporary Western Europe.
Dr Giovanni Capoccia is a Lecturer in Politics and Tutorial Fellow in Politics at Corpus Christi College. He recently published a book, Defending Democracy: Responses to Extremism in Inter-war Europe, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
The RDF is being replaced by the John Fell OUP Research Fund, named after John Fell, Vice-Chancellor of the University (1666-69) and Bishop of Oxford (1676-86). The OUP is transferring 5m per annum for an initial period of five years which will make seedcorn and start-up grants, and provide staff and funds to stimulate applications to external agencies. Read more details on the John Fell Fund. The Hilary Term deadline for the Main Award Scheme is Tuesday 16 May; applications to the Small Award Scheme can be made at any time. Those interested in applying for either scheme should contact the Department`s Research Support Officers, Esther Byrom and Matthew Tillotsonat least four working weeks in advance.