Dr Evelyn Goh awarded two year British Academy Research Grant
Dr Evelyn Goh (University Lecturer in International Relations) has been awarded a two-year British Academy Small Research Grant for her project China and Southeast Asia in Mekong River Basin: conflict, cooperation and security`. The grant will begin on 1st July 2006.
This project asks two questions: to what extent is China`s diplomacy of mutual benefit carried through in practice; and how much room for manoeuvre do China`s neighbours have in negotiating the negative impacts of China`s rising power? The project will focus on the case study of the Mekong River, which is the largest trans-boundary river in mainland Southeast Asia, flowing through the territories of China (from its Tibetan headwaters through Yunnan province), Burma, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia.
Evelyn is University Lecturer in International Relations at St Anne`s College. Some of her recent publications are The U.S. in Southeast Asian Regional Security Strategies`, Policy Studies Monograph No.16, Washington: East-West Centre (2005), `The U.S.-China Relationship and Asia-Pacific Security: Negotiating Change`, Asian Security vol.1, no.3, 2005, pp.216-244, and Constructing the U.S. Rapprochement with China, 1961-74, Cambridge University Press, 2004.