David Levy awarded grant from Green Templeton College
David Levy was awarded a grant from Green Templeton College (College Based Academic Initiatives Fund) for ‘Threats and Opportunities to the Business of Journalism and its Role in Democracy’. The project will examine the business of journalism and its role in democracy, and runs from 1 October 2009 to 31 October 2010.
Reuters Institute post doctoral researcher Rasmus Nielsen is analysing the current economic challenges to journalism through a comparative perspective with a series of case studies based on a group of 6-8 countries. In many countries the Internet is eroding the current business models for advertising funded journalism as revenues and readers move from print to the web. This is the situation in the US, the UK and many parts of Western Europe. However the picture in developing countries is much more optimistic and it is as yet unclear whether that is temporary phenomenon related e.g. to a lag in internet penetration or reflects more profound differences in terms of an emerging middle class, the growth of literacy, and greater interest in news.