Our Gladstone Professor of Government, Christopher Hood is to be awarded the Public Management Research Association`s (PMRA) H. George Frederickson Award for Career Contributions to Public Management Research. The award was established in 2005 and is presented once every two years to a scholar who has made a major impact on the field over an extended research career. Larry Lynn was the initial awardee, and Christopher is the next. The award will be presented at the 2007 PMRA Research Conference in October at the University of Arizona (USA).
Christopher specializes in the study of executive government, regulation and public-sector reform. He was part of the research group that first coined the term quango` in a study of policy delivery in the 1970s, coined the term new public management` in the late 1980s, was the first to document the size and growth of oversight over the UK public sector in the 1990s and published a landmark study on the government of risk with colleagues at the LSE in the early 2000s. His book The Art of the State won the PSA`s W.J.M. Mackenzie book prize in 2000 and together with Martin Lodge he has recently published a comparative study of the bargains between politicians and civil servants. He is the Director of ESRC Public Services Programme on Quality, Performance and Delivery since its` founding in 2004, as well as Gladstone Professor of Government and Fellow, All Souls College.