Rosemary Foot (John Swire Senior Research Fellow in the International Relations of East Asia & Professor of International Relations, St Antonys College) has been awarded a British Academy Small Research Grant for 6,498 to fund the Asia-Pacific dimension of her project Human Rights and Counter-terrorism in Global Governance: Reputation and Resistance to begin on 1st August 2006.
This part of Rosemarys project has two goals: first, to examine the extent to which the security agendas of key regional states in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore) that are central to the anti-terrorist struggle, and the three major institutions of the region (APEC, ASEAN and the ASEAN Regional Forum) have been re-shaped by the counter-terrorist concerns articulated since September 2001; and secondly to explore the capacity of the human rights norm to constrain some forms of counter-terrorist state and institutional behaviour in this era and in a part of the world where a number of governments remain wary of the human rights idea. The larger goals of the research are to examine the extent to which the human rights idea is being overridden in the name of security, or has become embedded in concepts of security. Has it been concluded that human rights protections cannot coexist easily with anti-terrorist campaigns, or is there a recognition that they are complementary to them?
Rosemary Foot has been a Fellow of St Antonys College since 1990.