Aleksandra Krakiewicz Awarded European Foreign & Security Policy Studies Scholarship
Aleksandra Krakiewiczwas awarded a two-year European Foreign and Security Policy Studies Scholarship from Volkswagen Stiftung for her research project, ‘A Force for Good In the World? Europe and the Use of Armed Force After 11 September`. The studentship begins on 1 May 2007. Aleksandra`s project will examine whether and how the ‘war on terror` has altered security thinking in Europe with regard to the use of armed force. It will employ the concept of ‘strategic culture` to analyse contending attitudes to the legitimate use of force I three EU member states - Germany, Poland, and the UK - and show how these attitudes affect beliefs about the role of military tools within ESDP. In doing so, this project will contribute to the ongoing debate about the utility of armed force in the fight against terrorism and help make recommendations for a European consensus on this issue.
Aleksandra Krakiewicz is a DPhil candidate in International Relations at St Antony`s College.