What are the Abbey-Santander Academic Travel Awards?
These new awards are to enable postgraduate students at the University of Oxford - of any nationality - to travel to Santander Network countries for academic-related activities, including short visits to Santander universities to carry out collaborative work, to conduct fieldwork, to attend a conference, or to engage in other study projects. The awards are open to current graduate students working in any subject. The maximum value of each award is £2,000. Awards will be made subject to the availability of funds.
The Santander Network includes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela, Spain, and Portugal.
How do you apply?
Applicants are invited to submit the following:
v A description (no more than 500 words) of the aims and nature of the proposed academic travel, and how it relates to your course/research;
v A budget/cost breakdown, the amount you are requesting, and if you have applied to any other fund (specify the amount);
v The dates you are travelling;
v A curriculum vitae; and
v A letter/email reference from your supervisor supporting your application.
Please send your application by email to Caroline Rushworth, Exchanges & Study Abroad Administrator, International Student Advisory Service, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD (caroline.rushworth@admin.ox.ac.uk).
The application deadline is Tuesday, 3 June 2008. The International Student Advisory Service must receive the letter/email from your referee no later than the application deadline. The selection process will begin immediately after the closing date, to ensure that successful candidates are notified by Tuesday, 17 June 2008; therefore late references will not be accepted.
Please note that payment will be made in two instalments: 50% before travelling and 50% after your return. To receive the second instalment, you are required to send a report on your activities and proof of your expenses no later than a month after returning from your trip. Please be aware that we reserve the right to cancel the second payment in cases where there is no clear evidence of the need of funds.